What Causes Car Paint to Fade?
Key reasons why car paint fades include:
1. Sunlight
The sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays can contribute to car paint oxidation, a process that occurs when heat and oxygen come together to damage a vehicle’s exterior. Over time, heat from the sun’s UV rays causes a car’s paint coat to dissipate. As a car’s paint heats up, oxygen penetrates the paint. This enables the metal beneath the car’s paint to absorb heat, which results in fading.
2. Salt
Salt is corrosive, especially when it remains on a car’s body for an extended period of time. In this instance, salt can be exposed to the sun’s UV rays, which heat up salt crystals on a car. This can cause the salt crystals to eat away at a car’s paint, to the point where the vehicle’s color fades and rust starts to form.
3. Air Pollution
Unburnt fuel that travels out from a car’s exhaust system can result in not only air pollution, but also carbon particulates that can damage a vehicle’s paint. Carbon particulates tend to be hard and jagged, and they can bind to a car’s clear coat to expose the paint. They can also contribute to oxidation that causes a car’s paint to fade.
Causes of Dull Paint on a Car
Along with the aforementioned issues that can cause a car’s paint to fade, there are several reasons why a vehicle’s paint may appear dull, such as:
1. Poor Car Wash
Certain car washes use spinning plastic brushes that damage vehicle paint and cause a clear coat to appear dull. Also, these car washes may use strong soap that can contribute to dull paint on a car.
2. Improper Hand-Washing
Much in the way that spinning plastic brushes at a car wash can lead to a dull car paint job, improper hand-washing can negatively affect a vehicle’s luster. Car owners who use hard bristle brushes when they wash their vehicle’s exterior may cause damage that leads to dulling. Additionally, applying certain soap types to a car’s exterior can also contribute to a dull paint job.
3. Acid Rain
There may be times when air pollution contributes to acid rain. If a car is exposed to acid rain, its paint can be susceptible to dulling.
Is Faded Car Paint Preventable?
To prevent car paint fading, you should park your vehicle in a garage or shaded area whenever possible. You should also get your car professionally washed and waxed every few weeks or any time your vehicle’s exterior looks dirty.
How to Fix Faded Car Paint After an Accident
If you are involved in a car accident, you may notice that your vehicle’s paint begins to fade. Our well-trained technicians are ready to help with your collision repairs and paint matching to ensure your vehicle looks like its pre-accident condition!
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